This is not a site for personal disclosure of mental health distress, suicidal thoughts or behaviours. If you are in crisis, please call 911 or go to your nearest emergency department for assistance.
Initiative Summary Icon


Create and share a playlist that fills you up.
Initiative Impact Icon


Music can have extraordinary impacts on our mental health and be a big part of self-care. This initiative invites you to thoughtfully curate a playlist that actively brightens you, and has the power to brighten others.
Initiative Target Icon

Ideal for...

  • Music fans
  • Anyone looking to practice more self-care
Initiative Time Icon

Time Commitment

1 hr in total. See details

How This Initiative Works:

We'll walk you through the super simple steps of making and sharing a playlist that boosts your mental health, and can help others too. 

What Happens When I Sign Up:

Once you sign up for this initiative, we’ll send you an email with all the digital tools you need to complete it. The email should appear within 5 minutes. If it doesn’t, check your trash or email
We’ll also send you your Do Something initiative card to post on social media, and a playing card to post to challenge a friend to Do Something.

Sign up for this initiative to download your card will not share your data or information from this survey with the Government of Canada. The Government of Canada will not have access to the results of this survey at any time. will use this information to improve the Do Something experience, and to keep in touch with you about our work in mental health. You can unsubscribe your email at any time or email if you have questions.
