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Can't vote? You can still get involved.

Even though you can’t head to the ballot box this October, your voice can still have a huge impact on the people in your life. Talking to them about the issues that matter most to you this election will influence how they vote and, by learning how to discuss politics and advocate for what you believe, you’ll make sure that our democracy is healthy.

Politics doesn’t just happen on election day—it’s the political conversations you have day in and day out with the people in your life that have the largest impact. Even without a vote, your voice is so incredibly important. Go out and use it. 

  • Learn about the federal parties.
    Get to know the candidates positions on topics that matter to you, watch debates, read up on campaign platforms, and follow the election to stay informed! This is relevant now and will be relevant once you start voting too.
  • Share what you’ve learned with eligible voters.
    Talk to them about the issues that matter to you and your peers. Sharing your passion about making an impact on the election can be really motivating for someone who may not personally be motivated to vote. Some great ways to share information is by word-of-mouth during a family dinner or on social media by sharing a link to a thoughtful article or writing a personal blog-post.  
  • Educate others about the voting process!

    Confusion around the process of voting can be a barrier to a lot of people. You can help address this barrier by sharing how-to guides on social media or checking in with the adults in your life to confirm that they feel confident about the process.

  • Volunteer for a campaign!
    You can impact the elections by using your personal skills to volunteer or fundraise for a campaign or political organization that you believe in. 
  • Engage other young people in political conversations.
    Talk about why you want to make an impact and create spaces where people can get more involved. You can ask your teachers to hold a class discussion or even mock elections at school, host debate-viewing parties, or go to town halls to see democracy in action.