This is not a site for personal disclosure of mental health distress, suicidal thoughts or behaviours. If you are in crisis, please call 911 or go to your nearest emergency department for assistance.


This has the power to improve people's attitudes.

Time Commitment

4-6 hours in total. See details


Challenge your followers to raise awareness about mental health.


In the modern age, social media challenges are a great way to connect people, create awareness, and have some giggles. Think the Ice Bucket Challenge. Or the recent "kick-a-cap-off-a-bottle" trend (if it was in support of a good cause). This initiative helps you plot out your own challenge to excite and delight your followers, while starting conversations about mental health.

Ideal for (but not limited to):

  • Anyone who loves to make noise on social media
  • Anyone who loves a challenge, and knows others who love a challenge
  • Individuals who believe mental health stigma is a barrier to wellness in their community

Potential impact:

  • Increased awareness about mental health issues in your social network, and the social network of your peers
  • Conversations about mental health are destigmatized
  • Increased willingness to talk about mental health in your community

Sign up for this initiative

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