Jack Originals
Men's Mental Health

Unwrapped: Episode 1 - Men's Mental Health

November 3, 2020

We need to talk about men’s mental health. Because the loss of 3,000 men to suicide in Canada each year is unacceptable.

And it's the men in our lives who are most likely to struggle with their mental health without reaching out for help. It's them who have to navigate the stigma and misinformation that comes with unhealthy standards of masculinity. And it's them who have to deal with a society that doesn't always recognize or sympathize with the signs of mental health struggle they show. We need to push back against these toxic ways of being. And we need to do it now.

This video provides some context and background on men's mental health, and it's our hope that it starts conversations and leaves us all feeling a little more confident to support the men in our lives.

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Jack Originals
Men's Mental Health
November 13, 2020
Unmute: Episode 1 - Roundtable on Men's Mental Health
/* Nolan script for sentry */