This is not a site for personal disclosure of mental health distress, suicidal thoughts or behaviours. If you are in crisis, please call 911 or go to your nearest emergency department for assistance.


Breaking Barriers Jack Summit FAQ

If these don't answer your questions, email us at and we'll help you out!
  • What is Breaking Barriers?
    Breaking Barriers was initially created by a group of passionate young leaders in Manitoba and served as an opportunity to gather Manitoba’s youth advocates annually to discuss how they, together, could dismantle barriers to help-seeking in the province. Since then, Breaking Barriers has grown to become representative of the entire Prairie region. It is an experience unique to the young people within the provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Northern Ontario. 

    The summit will address the needs of those in Central Canada regarding mental health and bring together the next generation of mental health leaders to make change, now! 

    Attendees will have the opportunity to engage with keynote speakers, participate in workshops and other activities, share insights and collaborate on real, actionable strategies that can span the entire region.
  • When and where is Breaking Barriers?
    Breaking Barriers took place November 26 & 27, 2021.
  • Will it cost me anything to attend?
    No. Thanks to our generous sponsors and donors, the summit is free for all delegates. 
  • Who can apply to be a delegate and how are they chosen?
    All high school and postsecondary-aged young people (15-24) from across the Prairie provinces are eligible. All delegates will be selected based on their application’s quality and their commitment to mental health advocacy. We are committed to diversity in our programming and will work to ensure a broad range of attendees.
  • What is the application deadline?
    Applications are now closed.
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