Be There

Learn to support someone struggling with their mental health

Young person smiling

Get Be There Certified

We all need the knowledge, skills, and confidence to support someone struggling with their mental health. The Be There Certificate provides you with a framework for giving support and builds your confidence by providing real life scenarios and activities to practice being there.

two bethere people in front of a yellow background hugging

6 interactive lessons

two bethere participants in grey shirts hugging in front of a yellow background

Less than 2 hours to complete

two bethere participants in front of a yellow background touching shoulders and smiling

Free Online Course

Two people posing for camera at a party, one participant in the foreground

Available in French, English and Spanish

Golden rules

A practical guide to help you support someone struggling with their mental health.

Be There’s 5 Golden Rules - a simple and actionable framework, teaching people how to recognize when someone might be struggling, understand their role in supporting that person, and learn how to connect them to the help they need

Say what you see

Learn how to break the ice and start the conversation

Two young people in conversation

Show you care

Learn how to build trust and support someone

Two young people laughing together

Hear them out

Learn to be an active listener and balance the conversation

Two young men deep in discussion

Know your role

Learn to set boundaries to protect your relationship and your mental health

Two young people in conversation

Connect to Help

Learn to access professional and community resources and what to expect from them

Three young people in conversation


We've got answers

What is the research behind building, is an online resource created by in response to a needs assessment of over 1,200 youth. We compiled the most commonly asked questions we heard from young people and scoured dozens of websites, blogs, articles and other resources to find the answers. It wasn’t easy; existing resources are fragmented, hard to find and full of impersonal clinical jargon. But the answers are out there (we didn’t make this stuff up!) we just had to find it and translate it into accessible language.

Why did we build the Be There Certificate?

Since Be There’s launch, we received requests from young people and educators for a more formal online training program they can use to earn official recognition for their skill-building. That’s where the new Be There Certificate comes in. The Be There Certificate is a free, self-paced, interactive learning experience that dives deeper into Be There content and charts progress of participants learning through lesson badges and a certificate of completion.

Who provides the Be There Certificate?

The Be There Certificate is offered by, a Canadian youth mental health charity, in partnership with Born This Way Foundation.

Thank you to our Partners

Our generous partners support the development of innovative youth-informed programs that ensure we continue to reach the young people who need it most, when they need it, and in the ways that matter to them.

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