
No young person should experience ongoing feelings of despair, worthlessness, or hopelessness without support. But many do. Donate today to show youth they’re not alone.

Suicide is the second leading cause of death in young people in Canada. helps youth talk about it. Your help is vital, too. We rely on the generous support of donors and partners to be there for youth and empower them with the essentials for mental wellness.

Brainfreeze participants running from a wave on a lake

Support youth mental health

participant raising their hand indoors

Become a Monthly Donor

Participant looking screen left in a summit environment

Leave a Legacy

Corporate Partnerships

Make Mental Health Conversations Possible

With your support today, thousands of young people across Canada will get essential mental health education from a peer they can relate to through Jack Talks, Jack Chapters and Be There Certificate.

Creating spaces of belonging and advocating for mental health helped Meredith Rose find her voice. Now she’s helping others to do the same.

Meredith Rose's Story

Meet Dzhafar Kabidenov, a 21-year-old international student at the University of Toronto's St. George campus and a passionate advocate for youth mental health.

Dzhafar Kabidenov's Story

At 18, Luca experienced mental health struggles after an incident at his high school. Learnings from a Jack Talk were instrumental to him getting the support he needed. As a Jack Talks Speaker today, he’s working to make sure every young person gets the support they need.

Luca Bernardini’s Story
of young people felt better equipped to reach out for support after a Jack Talk
Jack Chapters and counting
said the Be There Certificate improved their confidence with supporting someone through a mental health struggle

Thank you to our Partners

Our generous partners support the development of innovative youth-informed programs that ensure we continue to reach the young people who need it most, when they need it, and in the ways that matter to them.

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