This is not a site for personal disclosure of mental health distress, suicidal thoughts or behaviours. If you are in crisis, please call 911 or go to your nearest emergency department for assistance.


Jack Chapters: Starting a Chapter

  • What’s the cost involved?

    It's free to start your Chapter! Whabam! We'll provide you with a set amount of starter funds to support your activities.
  • How many people do we need to start a Chapter?

    Minimum of four. Every Jack Chapter needs one lead. Many chapters designate more than one lead (or co-leads). High school chapters will need a staff co-lead.

  • What involved in getting a Chapter started?
    • Once you’ve connected with our team and filled out an application, you’ll need to complete a couple of administrative tasks, including registration and training.
    • With support from your Program Coordinator, you’ll build and structure your team and, as needed, get your club ratified, set up your social media, and/or open a bank account.
    • You’ll then plan and run activities as a Chapter to address mental health in your community, checking in with your Program Coordinator as you go.
  • How long does the training process take?

    Training takes between 2-3 hours to complete for general members, and 3-4 hours to complete for Chapter Leads and Staff / Adult Leads.

    Training can be completed individually or as a group, through interactive online written modules or video recordings of the same material. After the training, there’s a short Certification Quiz to confirm completion and receive a training certificate.

  • Is there any sort of certification after completing training?

    Yes there is - you'll get a custom certificate with your name on it.

  • Does the program run in elementary or middle schools?

    For elementary schools, not at this time. For middle schools, terminology varies. But programs are designed for young people 15-24 years of age. 
  • How much freedom do we get with the Chapter work?

    A ton! You are the experts, the leaders, the advocates. staff are there to guide and support as you work to break down barriers to positive mental health in your community. 

  • What is the wait time between application and starting a Chapter?

    Approximately two weeks.

  • How often do you accept applications?

    We accept applications throughout the year - but we recommend applying by September / October if you can so that you can take advantage of the full program year (September to April/June timeline). But you can apply anytime and we’ll work with you to get your Chapter started!

  • What’s the scoop with swag?
    Swag is a free perk that we provide to our Chapters. Every Chapter gets a starter kit with t-shirts, and then your Chapter can request more swag for activities. These could include stickers, postcards, and t-shirts. The purpose of swag is to start a conversation and allow you to announce to the world that you’re a mental health advocate.
  •  How do Staff Leads work? What do they do?

    All Chapters that are composed primarily of members under the age of 18 or that intend to work closely with minors require a Staff or Adult Lead.

    The Staff / Adult Lead supports the Chapter in running, which includes attending calls with, updating over email, and helping Chapters with administration like ratification and finances. We encourage Staff / Adults Leads to provide coaching, support, and guidance to your youth / student team as they design and implement activities.

  • How often should we meet?

    Most teams meet on a weekly or bi-weekly basis over lunch or after school, but it depends on your availability.

  • Is Jack Chapter work safe?

    Safety is always the top priority in's programs. Guided by mental health experts on our board, a solid evidence base, and multiple school boards’ best practice guidelines, our programs have become best-in-class for safety. Our staff are trained in mental health first aid and suicide intervention, and our training resources for youth include safety considerations, mental health self-assessments, and guides for safely navigating peer disclosures.

  • Apply Now