This is not a site for personal disclosure of mental health distress, suicidal thoughts or behaviours. If you are in crisis, please call 911 or go to your nearest emergency department for assistance.
"Together we can make a difference.”
"Together we can make a difference.”

"Together we can make a difference.”

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The story behind our treasured relationship with the Kelty Patrick Dennehy Foundation.

"Together we can make a difference.”

These are words Ginny Dennehy is known for. And no organization embodies the spirit of collaboration around mental health issues better than the Kelty Patrick Dennehy Foundation.

Ginny and Kerry Dennehy lost their son Kelty to suicide in 2001. Like Jack, Kelty was a bright and thoughtful teenager. He also struggled with mental illness.

But the Dennehys refused to let this tragedy become the last word. In their heartbreak, they saw a brighter future for young people. They were one of the first families to talk openly about their struggles with mental illness. Sharing their story could have an impact, and they knew it.

And they’ve laid the groundwork for a sea change in ending mental health stigma. Since 2001, the Kelty Patrick Dennehy Foundation has raised nearly seven million dollars to better support young people facing mental illness.

As’s Founding BC Regional Partner, the Foundation has given so many more BC students the tools they need to talk about and take care of their mental health. Since partnering in 2014, we’ve added seven new Jack Chapters in British Columbia, brought over 60 BC delegates to Jack Summit, and hosted 17 Jack Talks in BC.

Together, we’re helping young people like Jack and Kelty reach out for the support they need. It’s work that wouldn’t be possible without the Dennehys’ determination to change the mental health conversation.

With the Kelty Patrick Dennehy Foundation’s years of advocacy for mental health in BC and’s growing network of young leaders, we’ll reach more BC students than ever before. When it comes to making a difference — we’re just getting started.