This is not a site for personal disclosure of mental health distress, suicidal thoughts or behaviours. If you are in crisis, please call 911 or go to your nearest emergency department for assistance.

Local Jack Summits

In 2021, 14 Local Jack Summits brought together 1,287 young leaders from across Canada.


What are Local Summits?

Local Summits give young people the chance to get together and strategize ways to improve youth mental health at the local level. Advocacy is tricky work! Summits exist to bring passionate mental health advocates together to exchange big ideas. By teaming up and sharing their experiences, young advocates learn the best ways to improve mental health for their peers.

The team will guide you through the process of organizing a Summit, helping you to identify how it can best serve your community’s needs and plan the event. Local Summits take place all over the country and have a huge impact—reach out to us at to bring one to your community.

Who can apply to host?

  • Those who can bring together groups of young people from multiple schools or organizations.
  • Those who are committed to mental health advocacy and youth leadership!

Note: Summits must either be planned in consultation with young people or by young people themselves!

Deadlines to apply:

  • We are no longer accepting new local summit applications for the remainder of the Spring and Summer months. Please check back in late summer / early Fall to explore working with to host a local summit in your community!

We recommend submitting your application at least 90 days prior to your event to ensure a smooth planning process.